Pre War Guitars Co. “OM” Model Acoustic Guitar – Brazillian Rosewood Back & Sides! Brand New & In Stock!

We've waited a couple years on these beautiful Pre War Acoustic Guitars! This is a  "OM" Model with  Brazillian Rosewood Back & Sides! Brand New & In Stock!
Overview from Pre War:

The perfect all-purpose guitar!  OM size instruments fit in with any type of music. The slightly longer scale length of the OM lends itself to a bit more bark and bite. If you flatpick and fingerpick, do solo and ensemble gigs, as well as being on the quest for perfect volume, tone, and size, then look no further.

We utilize hot hide glue for all of the bracing as well as in our perfectly fit traditional dovetail neck joints. We use Torrefied tops and hand carved Torrefied brace wood for their dry-aged tone. You get a guitar with the soul, sound, and look of a well-loved vintage instrument, but with the price, adjust-ability, and reliability of a modern guitar.


Top Wood: Adirondack Spruce

Neck: Mahogany

Back & Sides: Brazillian Rosewood

Headplate: Brazillian Rosewood

Fretboard: Ebony

Bridge: Ebony

Distress Level (Relic ): 1.5

Fretboard Taper: Vintage, 3/32 - 2/32, .010

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