Kerry Wright Tribute Series 4 x 12 Guitar Speaker Cabinet – in Black Tolex with Gold Piping – Unloaded

Kerry Wright Tribute Series 4 x 12 Guitar Speaker Cabinet – in Black Tolex with Gold Piping – Unloaded

Original price was: $1,499.00.Current price is: $900.00.

Out of stock

Kerry Wright Tribute Series Guitar Cabinets - This listing is for a  4 x 12" KW Tribute Series Unloaded Cabinet in Black Tolex . Includes Open and Closed back panels (Except for 4 x 12 Cabs)

*Screws & Washers Included * Wiring Harness Included for 1x12 Cabs Only


The Kerry Wright Tribute Series

Kerry Wright de-planed this world in October 2021 . Sad day indeed , our friendship wasn’t over .

I , L.A. Vintage Gear , have decided to honor KW with a “ Tribute “ Series of his 1 X 12 and 2 X 12 Cabinets, and now 4 x 12 Cabs . Conrad Viva of Boutique was Kerry’s apprentice the last year of KWS existence.

I bought the remainder of KWs unfinished cabs and had Conrad tolex and grill a cab so I could see his work and a/b. I couldn’t believe I picked Conrad’s cab over KWs; they are that frickin’ close !. I had Conrad finish 20 cabs for me, I have maybe 4 left.

Fast Forward 2 months later. I decided to do a venture with Conrad, The Kerry Wright Tribute Series “1x12, 2x12, and 4x12 Cabinets". All materials are sourced from KWs vendors and all builds are EXACTLY KWs specs which are the following:

*Russian Birch Plywood

*Angled Baffle

* Both Open and Closed Backs ( for 1x12 & 2x12 Cabs Only - 4x12 Are Closed Back Only)

Open Back will be the Dumble Style Oval

*LAVG Proprietary grill cloth

*Marshall Style Stripping 

2 X 12’s will be all “ Offsets ‘’

Speaker Wiring Harness’s will be included with 1x12 Cabs / No Covers 

1 X 12 - $899 ( Wiring Harness Included )

Dimensions - 22w x 18h x 12d

2 X 12 – $1199.

Dimensions - 26w x 25.5h x 13d

4  X 12 – $1499.

Dimensions - 29.75"w x 29.25"h x 13.25"d


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